We specialise in personalised, responsive and compassionate case management for people living with brain injuries and complex conditions.
Kevin Cross Case Management offers a bespoke service tailored to the needs of people living with brain injuries and complex conditions.
We work with people who have sustained permanent, life-changing injuries, and who have complex and often changing health and social care needs.
Our experienced, qualified and compassionate case managers collaboratively support clients and their families to manage the consequences of serious injuries and long-term conditions.
Our responsive and personalised service supports our clients to maximise their potential and functional independence, promoting recovery and enabling quality of life.
As well as clients and their families, we work closely with solicitors and Court of Protection deputies to put in place a care plan and recruit and manage a team of experienced professionals.
We are all members of British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management (BABICM), which defines case management as ‘a collaborative process, that assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the interventions and services required to meet an individual’s health and wellbeing, rehabilitation, education and/or occupational needs, using communication and available resources to promote quality, cost-effective and safe outcomes.
Kevin Cross Case Management
Unit 6, Ringles Business Park, Grigg Lane
Headcorn, Kent, TN27 9LY
[T] 07808 845985
[E] info@kc-cm.org